Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children Review

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children is one of my favorite trilogies, and the first book got me really hooked.

What happens in the book:

The book starts off with the main character whining about his job at his uncle's grocery store. The main character seems really pathetic in the beginning. Later, his grandfather dies, and Jacob, the main character, witnesses a monster he believes killed his grandfather. Of course, other people don't believe him, and he's put into therapy. Later, he finds something from this grandfather's stuff about an island near Wales. He convinces his parents and goes to the island with his father.

He tries to find the orphanage he saw in his grandfather's things, but finds it in ruins from a bombing, although, it turns out, the children and Miss Peregrine are somehow still alive. And they have special powers, which is why they have been put in this orphanage. Later when he meets them, he finds out that his grandfather is one of them. And they keep telling him that he is too. I would say more, but I don't want to spoil the book too much:)

A lot of people have said that they hate the character, because of how pathetic he is, or he complains too much about his wealth, he's too immature, etc. But in my opinion, that part of the book is important. He is pathetic and I didn't really like him in the beginning, but throughout the book, he gets more mature and realizes the hardships of life for these peculiar children and somehow gets less pathetic. It's his character development and people should stop hating on the book for the character settings(in my opinion).

I thought the romance in this book was a little weird, which other people have thought too, because Emma had a relationship with Jacob's grandfather 70 years ago, and now she having a relationship with Jacob???

Also, this book included pictures the author collected or found I guess, and I thought it was cool how he incorporated it with the story. Some people didn't like it, and sometimes it sort of didn't let the story flow, but it was cool other times and helped me visualize things that were described.

One more thing to mention, there's this discussion about whether this book is "scary" or not. When I first started reading the book, I was an elementary schooler, and I was a little freaked out in the first third or first quarter of this book, so I stopped reading it. A few months later, I picked up the book again, and got really into it. Well, it scared me because of the monsters, I watched part of the movie first and the monsters in the movie scared me at the time. Maybe it won't scare people who haven't watched the movie?? But I thought it wasn't really a horror book but more of a thriller, it was GOOD.

Overall, I recommend reading it!

If you're interested, you can look at these reviews:
Goodreads reviews


  1. This sounds really interesting. I have heard of this book before, but now I want to read it. Thank you for sharing about it!


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